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Public Understanding of Science

I’ve been watching Sir Patrick Vallance (former Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser) and Sir Chris Whitty (Government’s Chief Medical Adviser) give evidence at the UK’s Covid Enquiry, and I find it all rather depressing. I don’t want to get into the behaviour of the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, at the time of the pandemic, as this…


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Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 14.13.21The story told in the blog post entitled Brain cells and the atomic bomb was partly made into a Netflix documentary. by Latif Nasser called “Nuke” in his series Connected.

It was also made into a documentary in Japan – a short excerpt can be viewed here

ACE ACE2 aluminium Anti-virals Antibiotic Apple Pay Atomic bomb Average Baptist CAM cell phones Cobra effect Covid-19 Dexamethasone Doramad Radioaktive Zahncreme Erenumab Ethics Gaussian History Hydrolase Internet Isotopes Jargon Lead Media Median migraine Mobile phnes Molecular engineering Monoclonal antibodies News osteoarthritis Party conference plastic Polio Politics pollution polyethylene terephthalate Popular science Radium Ramipril Remdesivir scientific literacy Vaccine Virus

Welcome to Graham Lappin’s Pharmablogoloy Science Blog. I cover many aspects of science with a focus on biochemistry and pharmacology. I try to translate the jargon for the non-expert and always have an eye on exposing pseudoscientific nonsense.

I have a YouTube channel primarily for pharmacokinetics lectures. An example can be seen here